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Saturday, 12 November 2022 | By Climate Champions
The world’s smallholder farmers produce around a third of the world’s food. But only 1.5% of global climate finance (USD 10 billion) is currently channelled into small-scale agriculture, and just 7% (USD 700 million) is going to value chain actors like smallholder farmers.
In Africa alone, the adoption of sustainable agriculture on 50% of African farmland, would equate to USD 17 billion in savings to farmers and companies each year, recent reports suggest.
There is progress: 13 countries joined the Agriculture Breakthrough this week – co-led by Egypt and the UK – to work together to make climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture the most attractive and widely adopted option for farmers everywhere by 2030.
A Q&A session with a group of young climate activists and High-Level Champion Nigel Topping on Friday brought into sharp focus why this matters. 12 year old Genia Mosby from Australia simply said: “ I don’t want to be a refugee”.
Read on for more news coming out of Adaptation & Agriculture day.
Today’s key announcements
Marrakech Partnership Land Use Action Event, Landscapes for Life: Showing Inclusive, just and resilient transformation of the LU Sector
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 10am – 12pm
Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Exponential Action: Scaling regenerative agriculture through plant-based implementation
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Marrakech Partnerhip Implementation Lab, Resilient and Adaptive Food Systems
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 2:pm – 3:30pm
Implementing Climate Action in Entertainment & Culture – Inclusive and Equitable Pathways Towards a More Sustainable Sector
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 14:00 – 15:30
Nature Zone Pavilion
The Nature Zone pavilion is a dedicated space within the COP27 Blue Zone to bring to life the momentum, action, and impact that surrounds Nature Positive – the global goal to immediately halt and reverse nature loss by 2030.
Stop by today to hear inspiring voices championing nature as a solution for equitable climate adaptation. You can also hear from local heroes who are successfully leading coastal adaptation work all over the world.
And don’t miss :
Exponential Race to Zero: Food and Nature
Time: 15:30 – 18:00
Speakers: Michael Wolosin (Conservation International); Johan Falk (Exponential Roadmap Initiative), María Mendiluce (We Mean Business), Tessa Vincent (Race to Zero) and more.
Children and Youth Pavilion
Ensuring that the voice of Youth and Future Generations is heard loud and clear is one of the objectives of the COP27 Presidency. For the first time ever at a UNFCCC Conference, children and young people is having a dedicated space at COP27 alongside world leaders, ministers, prominent non-State actors and other delegates.
Designed to amplify children and youth voices within global climate policymaking, the COP27 Children and Youth Pavilion is entirely led by young people and has been co-created and run by influential child and youth networks.
A full programme of events is here.
On Friday, High-Level Champions Nigel Topping and Mahmoud Mohieldin met with young climate activists from around the world: Francisco Vera (Colombia), Genia Mosby (Australia), Sofia Mejia (Dominican Republic), Yerazik Hoveyan (Armenia), Melissa Obeng-Kyereh (Ghana, Ismail Aboelmagd (Egypt), Revan Ahmed (Libya).
The Resilience Hub : Showcasing Resilience Solutions Everyday
The Resilience Hub is once again acting as the home of the Race to Resilience. Click here for the full agenda. The Hub is accessible in-person in Area C and virtually here.
No More Fairy Tales: stories to save our planet
Before we can build the resilient zero carbon economy that we have promised future generations, we must first imagine it.
Stay inspired by reading today’sstory drawn from an anthology of short stories written by a variety of authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson, Paolo Bacigalupi and others. These stories present positive visions of what a sustainable society might look like and how we might get there.
Each story links to a webpage where readers can see how they can help to make the story a reality. Compiled by the Green Stories Project, in association with Herculean Climate Solutions.
ISO Net Zero GUidelines Launched
The ISO Net Zero Guidelineslaunched on 11 November provides a common reference for collective efforts, offering a global basis for harmonizing, understanding, and planning for net zero for actors at the state, regional, city and organizational level.
The Breakthrough Agenda: a master plan to accelerate decarbonization of five major sectors
Priority actions, part of the Breakthrough Agenda, were announced on Friday as part of an international effort to make clean technologies and sustainable solutions the most affordable, accessible and attractive option in each emitting sector globally before the end of this decade.
A new report released at COP27 this week showed 46% of the sector by revenue has committed to the Race to Zero, up from 31% at this time last year. The industry is also beginning to move in the right direction on carbon intensity, with some of the largest companies demonstrating leadership in emissions reduction.
Launch of the Breakthrough Agenda hub
Find out in our landing page why the Breakthrough Agenda matters so much. Achieving Breakthroughs in these five critical sectors could:
Find out why we need to increase our global carbon dioxide removal capacity from several million today to the multi gigatonne scale by 2030.
Pharmaceutical 2030 Breakthrough: Transforming the Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Sector
Did you know that pharmaceutical labs use up to 10x more energy and 4x more water than office spaces? There is also an estimated 12 billion pounds of plastic waste produced each year from laboratories around the world, which represents 2% of global plastic waste. Find out why labs are the heart of Pharma & Med Tech’s 2030 Breakthrough
Global cement sector 2030 Breakthrough: Towards a net zero hard to abate sector
The global cement sector accounts for around 7% of global CO2 emissions. The industry has made progress during the last two decades to lower carbon intensity – but there is a recognition that these efforts need to be significantly accelerated.
For any press enquiries contact: media@climatechampions.team