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Tuesday, 24 May 2022 | By Climate Champions
The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions are pleased to announce their programme for the 56th session of the subsidiary bodies, which will take place from June 6-16 2022 at the World Convention Center Bonn, Germany.
The Intersessional is a two-week long conference hosting a wide range of events, meetings, and negotiating sessions at the mid-point between COPs, especially for the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA).
As UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Nigel Topping and Dr Mahmoud Mohieldin will demonstrate how the non-state actor (NSA) agenda is complementing key areas of the intergovernmental process, particularly on implementation, integrity, finance mobilization, the Global Stocktake and Loss & Damage.
1. High-Level Climate Champions Update: Resilience & Actions After Impacts
Tuesday, June 7, 13.15-14.45
Room: Addis Abeba
The High-Level Champions — alongside frontline communities and other non-State actors — will report on how they are responding to the call by Parties in the Glasgow Climate Pact for “non-governmental organisations and private sources, to provide enhanced and additional support for activities addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.”
2. High-Level Climate Champions Update: Taking Stock of Progress of Non-State Action
Wednesday, June 8, 13.15-14.45
Room: Addis Abeba
The High-Level Champions, alongside other collaborators, will demonstrate how they will bring worthwhile contributions across the different areas of Global Stocktake’s Technical Dialogue, so as to help inform the enhancement of climate action, including the update of NDCs.