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Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda

Protecting lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems

Launched at COP 27, this Agenda sets a clear global framework to protect lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems.

This Agenda offers measurable targets and aims to close the $366 billion annual adaptation finance gap.

It focuses on key sectors—such as food, water, health, and infrastructure—and aims to achieve resilience by 2030 through inclusive, effective, and equitable adaptation actions.

Our reports

1st November 2024 Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Implementation Report 2024

This report offers detailed progress updates on each Sharm Adaptation Agenda system and enabler, highlighting advancements made towards two to four key priority outcomes per system alongside the corresponding signals of change.

This report offers detailed progress updates on each Sharm Adaptation Agenda system and enabler, highlighting advancements made towards two to four key priority outcomes per system alongside the corresponding signals of change. It also identifies areas where further action is needed for achieving the objectives outlined in the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience under the Global Goal on Adaptation.

Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Implementation Report 2024

4th December 2023 Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Implementation Report 2023

This report constitutes the global adaptation solutions agenda driving public-private collaboration and partnerships to respond to existing implementation, finance and planning gaps.

Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Implementation Report 2023

6th November 2022 Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda 1.0

The global transformations towards adaptive and resilient development

Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda 1.0

11th November 2024 Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Outcome List | Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda

This document list the outcome targets of the Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda.

Outcome List | Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda
Outcome List _ Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda .pdf

Resilient Food & Agriculture Systems



Sustainable agriculture

50% of food globally is produced through sustainable agriculture practices (incl. agro-ecological & regenerative approaches), without expansion of the agricultural frontier into pristine ecosystems, to deliver for people, nature, and climate.

Food waste and loss

Halve global food waste and food loss per capita (relative to 2019).

Sustainable diets

Adoption of healthy, locally-appropriate, and sustainable diets in line with global goals, respecting socio-cultural sensitivities and geographic variations. This includes increasing the global consumption per capita of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and legumes by 1.5x, while also significantly increasing the share of alternative plant-based proteins in the meat and seafood markets.

Biodiversity and land use

Protect, manage, and restore biodiversity, including by halting and reversing forest loss and land degradation and conversion of natural ecosystems for agriculture, safeguard soil health, and ensure water quality and availability, to provide healthy and functioning natural ecosystems and resources for food and agriculture and other systems

Agrifood finance

Scale and re-orient climate finance flows from public and private sources towards resilient, inclusive, and sustainable food systems, increasing direct access for small-scale family farmers, women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples, aligned with climate risk-informed food policies and plans


By 2030, end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, in particular for the poorest and most vulnerable, including infants, through access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round

Just food systems transition

Advance a just and inclusive food systems transition, ensuring equitable and resilient livelihoods and meaningfully engaging all relevant stakeholders, and especially smallholders, women, youth and Indigenous Peoples, in relevant plans, processes and finances that affect them, with special emphasis on supporting their efforts to secure land and resource tenure rights, as well as boosting local markets for local consumption.

Resilient Health Systems



Health system resilience

Health systems and facilities are resilient to climate hazards and vulnerable populations have access to safe and quality health services

Heat action plans

Multi-sectoral heat action plans and health-sector action plans protect high risk populations (older persons, workers, impoverished, marginalised), for 50% of the populations exposed to extreme heat.

Health early warning systems:

All countries have climate-informed health surveillance and early warning systems in place for priority climate-sensitive diseases, including vector-borne, water-related, airborne.

​​Health finance

Increase financing flows to build climate-resilient health systems.

Resilient Human Settlement Systems



Resilient housing

1 billion people have better design, construction and access to finance to live in decent, safe homes

Early warning systems

Multi-hazard early warning systems have universal coverage

Urban NbS

US$1 trillion invested in NbS for communities in urban areas

Social infrastructure

Improve social infrastructure and related services to ensure equitable and inclusive access to essential needs and resilience capacities

Open waste burning

Increased municipal solid waste recovery and management in controlled facilities to reduce open burning by 60% while including the informal waste sector

Resilient Coastal & Ocean Systems




Secure the future of 15 million hectares of mangroves globally by mobilising US$4 billion to halt mangrove loss, restore half of recent losses, double protection of mangroves globally to support the resilience of 15 million people and over US$65 billion worth of property annually

Coral reefs

Secure the future, halt loss, protect and restore 125,000 sqm of shallow-water tropical coral reefs with investments of US$12 billion to support the resilience of more than half a billion people globally

Coastal city protection

Coastal cities are protected from ocean-based hazards by green, gray and hybrid solutions building resilience of at least 900 million people globally


Halt loss of, protect and restore seagrass ecosystems to mitigate climate change and support people and biodiversity globally

Marshes and kelp forests

Halt loss, protect and restore , marshes, and kelp forests to support people in temperate communities

Resilient Infrastructure Systems



Grid flexibility and investment

Transmission and distribution grids’ resilience to extreme events is increased and flexibility is enhanced to accommodate varying daily, seasonal, and inter-annual patterns of demand. Global grid investment nearly doubles by 2030 to over US$600 billion per year, including 359 GW of battery storage capacity.

Regional power pool integration

Regional power pool integration is scaled up to mitigate the potential negative impacts on supply and demand of hydropower due to increased precipitation variability, allowing for a growing complementarity of renewables sources

Integration of A&R in energy planning

Adaptation of energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure is mainstreamed into national energy planning and scenarios at national and sub-national levels

Access and affordability of electricity

Affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy access to electricity for 675 million unconnected people and higher quality access for 1 billion underserved people through climate resilient energy systems

Clean cooking

2.4 billion people with access to clean cooking through at least US$8 billion/year in innovative finance for clean cooking action worldwide


Support grid infrastructure resilience by reducing electricity consumption for cooling by approximately 30% (1900 TWh per year) by 2030

Low-cost and clean mobility

2.2 billion people access low-cost, clean vehicles and mobility solutions through the expansion of affordable public and private transport services

Transport infrastructure

Transport infrastructure is resilient to climate hazards through integration of climate-informed approaches in planning, design, delivery and management of the infrastructure and adoption of new technologies, design and materials

Resilient Water & Natural Systems



Freshwater systems

Restore 300,000 kms of rivers and 350 million hectares of wetlands by 2030 and protect healthy rivers and wetlands

Water supply, sanitation and hygiene

By 2030, all communities living in the overlap of high climate hazard exposure and insufficient water supply, sanitation, and hygiene access have been targeted with climate resilient water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services

Water policy

Coherent national policy frameworks and climate strategies are enhanced to integrate water planning that enables transformative climate outcomes in agriculture

Water NbS financing

By 2030, 1% of annual water sector spending is invested in NbS via watershed investment programs - like water funds – resulting in improved management and/or protection of rivers, lakes and wetlands, driving water security benefits and improving critical habitat for biodiversity

Water and wastewater systems

Water systems are smart, efficient and robust with a reduction in water loss through leakage, and wastewater systems maximise recycling and reuse alongside natural wetland filtration with zero environmental spillage

Nature-based solutions

Protection of 30% of the world’s lands and inland waters, 2 billion hectares sustainable management and 350 million hectares restoration of land securing legal Indigenous and local communities with use of nature-based solutions to deliver the integrity of natural ecosystems for climate, water, food, health and other biodiversity life supporting roles

Nature finance

By 2025, financial institutions contribute to halting land conversion by eliminating commodity-driven deforestation from portfolios and all actors tap into nature-based solutions investment opportunities of US$484 billion/year needed by 2030

Planning & Policy



A&R plans for cities and regions

10,000 cities and 100 regional governments have evidence-based, actionable adaptation & resilience plans

A&R plans for companies

2,000 companies have evidence-based, actionable adaptation & resilience plans

Climate risk data and analytics

Universal access to data and analytics required to integrate climate risks and impacts into decision making and action across all levels

Operationalization of locally-led NAPs

100% operationalization of NDCs with Adaptation components, National Adaptation Plans, and Locally-Led Principles, enabling adaptation in a country-driven, localized, and consultative manner




Private finance

Private sector integrates physical climate risks into investment decisions and continues to innovate mechanisms for financing adaptation and resilience so as to enable the mobilization of the US$215 billion to US$387 billion that will be needed annually across both public and private sources

Public finance

Public finance actors increase provision of climate finance and allocate 50% of climate funds to adaptation and resilience


Global property and casualty insurance sector has an industry capabilities framework, actively supports project implementation, and institutionalizes a longer-term industry approach to climate adaptation

MDB finance

Multilateral Development Banks and Development Partners support scaling-up private finance by providing dedicated resources to support credit enhancement and de-risking of adaptation investments

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